Sunday, January 2, 2011

Journey Back to God in 2011

I'm a Catholic mother of 3 boys (now am a full-time stay at home mom). My journey to develop a deeper relationship with God has been ongoing all of my life. Something changed for me when I was handed the responsibility to teach my children about God. Realizing I had some things I needed to straighten out in my own heart and mind..I began a journey back home to God. Along the way, I came to a realization -The more I looked for the Lord, the more He revealed Himself to me. This blog is dedicated to all of those like me who are looking to find out more about their Catholic faith and become closer to God.

Jan 2 - On the eighth day, when the time for the child's circumcision had arrived, he was given the Name of Jesus. - Lk 2:21

Reflection. The name of Jesus is a name of joy. When the memory of our sins weighs us down, this name brings back our joy. this mighty name reminds us that the Son of God became man to be our Savior. - St. Alphonsus Liguori

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